Frequently Asked Cosmetic Claim Questions
How much can I claim for cosmetic injuries?
The amount of compensation you are entitled to for injuries as a result of cosmetic surgery depends on the severity and duration of your injuries. Whether you have photographic evidence, whether you have suffered emotional and psychological trauma as a result of your injuries and finally whether you had to miss work or special events as a result of your injuries. Read some examples of the compensation we’ve been able to secure for clients here.
How do I make a claim for cosmetic injuries?
You can start the claims process for a cosmetic injury with us here. We will guide you through the process with expert advice and support on a no win no fee basis.
What are the risks of liposuction and fat reduction treatments?
Possible unwanted side effects of liposuction or fat reduction treatment include infection, extended healing time, allergic reaction to medication or anesthesia, fiction burns, scarring or numb skin. Skin pigmentation changes, fat or blood clots, fluid loss or accumulation and nerve or organ damage can also occur when the procedure is not carried our properly.
What are the risks of botox?
Possible side effects of botox can include; pain, swelling or bruising at the injection site as well as headache or flu-like symptoms. These should not happen if the treatment is carried out correctly.
What are the risks of facelift surgery?
The most common risks of facelift surgery are blood or fluid retention under the skin, crusting of face lift scars, and numbness. Nerve damage or infection can sometimes occur but is very rarer.
What are the risks of breast augmentation surgery and breast implants?
The most common side effect of breast augmentation surgery is capsular contracture which is when scar tissue that forms around the implant and squeezes the implant. Other risks include rupture or deflation, wrinkling, asymmetry, scarring, pain, infection at the incision site and changes in sensation.
What can I do if my cosmetic surgery goes wrong?
Always follow the aftercare advice provided to you by the clinic where you received your treatment. You should be able to return to the clinic to arrange for the appropriate treatment or corrective surgery as required. In all cases ensure you take photographs of any injuries before any remedial work is done, especially if you use a different clinic for after care treatment or corrective surgery. You should always see a medical professional immediately if you experience any unexpected side effects following your cosmetic surgery.
I think I have an infection following cosmetic surgery, what can I do?
Post-operative care should include steps to reduce the risks of infections but this remains one of the more common cosmetic surgery complications. Treatment will involve antibiotics but infections must be identified and treated as quickly as possible. You should be able to return to your clinic for post-operative care.
I am badly scarred after cosmetic surgery, what can I do?
Cosmetic surgery normally results in scarring of some kind but additional scarring can be upsetting. You should be able to return to the clinic to arrange for the appropriate treatment or corrective surgery if required. You should always take photographs of any injuries including additional unexpected scarring before any remedial work is done, especially if you use a different clinic for after care treatment or corrective surgery. You should always see a medical professional immediately if you experience any unexpected side effects following your cosmetic surgery.
I am not happy with the results of my cosmetic surgery, what can I do?
If your surgery did not go quite to plan or the results were not quite as expected you should be able to return to the clinic to arrange for the appropriate treatment or corrective surgery as required. In all cases ensure you take photographs before any remedial work is done, especially if you use a different clinic for after care treatment or corrective surgery. You should always see a medical professional immediately if you experience any unexpected side effects following your cosmetic surgery.